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 Splankna Healing 

This healing protocol utilizes muscle/energy testing to explore the mind, body and soul in efforts to bring freedom to those areas. Sessions last between 1-3 hours depending the content. Learn more about Splankna.

Cost: $75/Hour

Small Group Training

SGT is a programmed, personal training experience in a group of 5 or less women aimed at advancing each participant in their strength, flexibility & cardiovascular conditioning as well as correct muscular imbalances and reduce pain. 

Groups: Tues, Thur & Fridays 8:30-9:30 am

Cost: $90 for 6 weeks (1 day/wk, option to add additional days), $20 drop in

Splankna has gone through my soul like a double edged sword. It has cut away "baggage" hiding in the recesses of my mind and body. I am more patient and the broken record that played in my mind has quieted. I feel more tender, present and confident. 
~ Robin 52 

Personal Training & Nutrition

We offer individual, duet & small group personal training and nutrition. Sessions begin with an assessment of the whole person to inform a detailed plan for accomplishing your goals. 

You will have access to train with any of the methods available at the studio including: Pilates Reformer, Kickboxing/Heavy Bag, TRX, Free Weights, Ballet Barre, Resistance Bands, Exercise Balls, Kettlebells as well as other fitness tools.

Cost: $75/Single Session, $350 for 5 Pack

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